[python-win32] EasyDialogs - how to set initial path

John Machin sjmachin at lexicon.net
Thu Jun 30 13:29:23 CEST 2005

Radovan Grznarik wrote:

>I am using EasyDialogs (AskFileForOpen) and I am not able to set the
>initial open path. I found in Python help
Python help describes the *Mac* version; EasyDialogs for Windows by 
Jimmy Retzlaff has slightly different arguments; there is a readme.txt 
in .....\site-packages\EasyDialogs -- take a hint :-)

> that it should be 3rd
*should* be [you reading this, Jimmy???]. Here's another hint - this is 
_open source_ software, Luke :-)

> then I tried this
>filename = EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen("title","*.*","d:\\")
>but it does not work, and opens dialog in actual directory of running script.
>os.chdir("d:\\") before AskFileForOpen also does not work.
It works, it just doesn't do what you think it should do. WinDOS has a 
current directory on *each* drive. Fire up a DOS box, unless you've 
meddled, the prompt will show C:\something> ... this means the current 
drive is C: and the current directory on C: is \something. If you type 
cd d:\, this sets the current directory on D: to \, but you'll notice 
that your prompt hasn't changed.

>Does anybody have some idea to solve this situation?

Yeah. two ideas, actually:

     except NoSourceError:

Keyword arguments are a thing of beauty and a joy forever, even when 
they're in camelCase -- so bloody well stop counting arguments and use 

>I would be grateful.
>Radovan Grznarik

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