[python-win32] Looking for Serial I/O python driver

Les Novotny les.novotny at progressive-solutions.com
Tue May 10 02:58:38 CEST 2005

I am looking for a python module for serial I/O such that from python on
windows I can send a sequence of characters out COM1 followed by a
carriage return to an intelligent device (that interprets the data) and
then I need to capture a returned string of characters that comes back
from the device (the string that comes back also terminates in a
carriage return).

I have tried the pyserial module, which works for the sending of the
data, but receiving seems to be a problem. 

Essentially I want to send a sequence and then capture the received data
back into a variable, which I can then parse  through.

I am not subscribed to the newgroups, but if anyone has any ideas or
seen any open source code that would work , please email it to me at
les-novotny at shaw.ca 



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