[python-win32] can dev-cpp's "winanim" example be duplicated with win32gui etc?

R. Alan Monroe amonroe at columbus.rr.com
Thu May 26 03:40:40 CEST 2005

How feasible is it to write programs like the supplied example in pure
python, ideally without resorting to ctypes? (ctypes is bloody useful
but if I'm going to that amount of trouble I could just write plain C)

By extension can you make a decent barebones Windows screensaver with
not too much code? Skimming over the Lucian Wischik screensaver
article it seems vaguely possible.

WRT to the supplied example, I couldn't find the GetMessage function
in the win32gui module. Seems like it would be nearly mandatory, from
my very sketchy knowledge of Windows.

Googling around I found this old post to the list
but had the same problems as the original poster and I couldn't find
any followups on the thread with fixes.

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