[python-win32] WindowsError: (0, 'The operation completed successfully') with compiled prog only

Ray Schumacher rays at blue-cove.com
Thu Sep 15 01:31:09 CEST 2005

Hi all, anyone seen this?

I'm writing a Win98 replacement shell; when I compile with console=[foo] I get no errors logged or in the console, but when compiled with windows=[foo] I get an error when I try to run subprocess:

Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File "Frame2.pyo", line 75, in OnProcessTimer 
  File "Frame2.pyo", line 83, in getProcList 
  File "Frame2.pyo", line 97, in launchWithoutConsole 
  File "subprocess.pyo", line 549, in __init__ 
  File "subprocess.pyo", line 626, in _get_handles 
WindowsError: (0, 'The operation completed successfully')


My code is:

result = self.launchWithoutConsole('pv', ["-fq",])

    def launchWithoutConsole(self, command, args):
        """Launches 'command' windowless and waits until finished"""
        startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
        startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
        startupinfo.wShowWindow = win32con.SW_HIDE
        proc = subprocess.Popen([command] + args, startupinfo=startupinfo, 
                stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE

        return proc.stdout.readlines()

I've tried many variations, but all (so far) leave a "LAUNCHER.EXE.log" with this error, even if command ="anything else"..

If 'The operation completed successfully' and the error level is zero, why the logged error?
Can it be suppressed?

I also posted to py2exe-users...

Ray Schumacher 
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