[python-win32] newbie problem with DispatchWithEvents

Mirco Furlan (Visionee) mirco.furlan at visionee.com
Mon Apr 3 18:12:00 CEST 2006

I'm new to python and python-win32. 
Need to use an instance of IE for a little work.
I'm trying looking at the examples found, but I'm encountering a big problem
to proceed:
if I use win32com.client.Dispatch, all works fine, I can manipulate the IE
instance without problems. But I need to catch some events from that
instance; so I used win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents passing as eventClass
a very simple class that handle only the OnVisible event.
Every time I use the DispatchWithEvents, the IE instance seems to be
locked... I can get it visible and I see that isn't all well draw, I can't
Quit it (must kill the process), it doesn't respond to Navigate or any other
Can someone help me please?

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