[python-win32] Embed PyCWnd in Tkinter Frame?

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Apr 11 00:13:19 CEST 2006

> 	I've been searching for this all weekend and can't find
> what I consider a straight answer.  I have an existing Tkinter
> app which automates IE but I'd really like to embed IE in a
> Tkinter frame but don't want to have to completely re-write the
> app.  I see it appears fairly easy to activate an ActiveX control
> using wxPython or Pythonwin.  Is it impossible to somehow wrap a
> Pythonwin PyCWnd into a Tkinter frame so that I can utilize
> win32ui.CreateControl to initiate an IE control in my app?

To the best of my knowledge, that has never been done.  Pythonwin and
Tkinter struggle to coexist in the same process, let alone the same window


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