[python-win32] Runnin Python app as service with separate console

Michael Li mli at deform.com
Tue Apr 11 01:53:29 CEST 2006

Hi, Waldemar

In my previous email, I got
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     Re: [python-win32] Runnin Python app as service with separate

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So I resend my previous email without big attachments again.

--------------------------previous email start-------------------

Thank you very much for your code.
I still have difficulties to run my python application as a service well.

What I am trying to do is something like :
C:\python23\python.exe my_server.py -3 --pid=pid.file --slog=log.file 

When I open a DOS window, run the above command, no problem at all.
When I try to put it into a service, I got problem.

"install_3d_app_service.cpp" is a program to install 
into a Windows' service. Inside sftc_3d_app_service.cpp, it will spawn 
After reboot the machine, no problem, everything works fine, please see 
picture python_running.JPG. The problem is that after I log off, the 
"python" has gone.
Even if I log in as a non-administrative account, I log off, then the 
"python" has gone,
even I am in the session of non-administrative account, I can not 
terminate(End Process)
the "python" process. I am totally confused by this.

I also can use Windows' Scheduled Tasks to add a task as "At System 
startup", I can run
it as a service, but after I log in/log off any account, the "python" 
service has gone.

Can you or someone else point me a direction how to solve the problem?
Or I am in the wrong direction, I have to use the same way as you 
described ?

One thing I want to mention is that  my python scripts work at linux too,
and I want to keep it run at the DOS window for easier debugging.

I am using python2.3.

Best regards.
Michael Li

Waldemar Osuch wrote:
> On 4/6/06, Michael Li <mli at deform.com> wrote:
>> > Although it is not obvious from Twisted documentation it is trivial to
>> > run an application as a windows service as long as you use *.tac files
>> > to build it.
>>Can you share your code ?
>>I also have an application using Twisted, but I got problems to run as a
> I am using py2exe with custom setup.py file.
> Additionally I have startup.tac and winservice.py
>  - startup.tac - if you know Twisted then you know what goes into
> startup.tac :-).
>  - winservice.py - is the stub file that gets compiled into
> winservice.exe.  This is the file that you will register with Windows.
>  winservice.exe -h will list all the options.  I do not remember them
> at them moment.
>  - setup.py - is almost standard setup file.  You run it with python
> setup.py py2exe.  The trick is to list all required modules
> explicitly.  I list all except the modules that hold my Twisted
> application logic. The advantage is that I can replace the modules
> without recompiling.  Only restart the service and the bug fix is
> implemented.  Your admin will love you for that :-)
> The only problem is if you missed a required module the service will
> die silently when starting.  Luckily the Python traceback gets
> recorded in Windows Application Log.
> Check it to see what the service is complaining about, add the missing
> part, rinse and repeat.
> See the attached files for an example.
> The original idea comes from:
> http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/browser/sandbox/moonfallen/
> See it for more documentation.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> import sys
> import os
> import win32serviceutil, win32service
> basecf = "startup.tac"
> cftype = "python"
> svcname = "dispatcher"
> display = "Twisted Task Dispatcher"
> reactortype = "default"
> class ServiceControl(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
>     _svc_name_ = svcname
>     _svc_display_name_ = display
>     def SvcDoRun(self):
>         from twisted.application import app
>         app.installReactor(reactortype)
>         from twisted.internet import reactor
>         from twisted.application import service
>         from twisted.python import util, log, logfile
>         # look for a readable config file
>         for cf in (util.sibpath(sys.executable, basecf),
>                    util.sibpath(__file__, basecf),
>                    basecf):
>             try:
>                 open(cf, 'r').close()
>             except EnvironmentError:
>                 continue
>             else:
>                 startdir = os.path.dirname(cf)
>                 os.chdir(startdir)
>                 sys.path.insert(0, startdir)
>                 break
>         lf = logfile.LogFile('%s.log' %svcname, 'logs')
>         log.startLogging(lf)
>         log.msg("Loading application from %s" % cf)
>         service_app = service.loadApplication(cf, cftype)
>         app.startApplication(service_app , False)
>         reactor.run(installSignalHandlers=0)
>     def SvcStop(self):
>         self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
>         from twisted.internet import reactor
>         reactor.callFromThread(reactor.stop)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine(ServiceControl)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> import sys
> # without this section taskscheduler can not be found
> import py2exe.mf as modulefinder
> import win32com
> for p in win32com.__path__[1:]:
>     modulefinder.AddPackagePath('win32com', p)
> for extra in ['win32com.taskscheduler']:
>     __import__(extra)
>     m = sys.modules[extra]
>     for p in m.__path__[1:]:
>         modulefinder.AddPackagePath(extra, p)
> from distutils.core import setup
> import py2exe
> setup(service = ['winservice'],
>         zipfile = "lib/library.zip",
>         data_files = (('', ['startup.tac',
>                             'config.ini',
>                             'backend.py',
>                             'dbloader.py',
>                             'dispatcher.py',
>                             'xlsparser.py',
>                            ]),
>                       ('wsdl', ['wsdl/MFISLoader.wsdl',]),
>                       ('logs', []),
>                   ),
>         options = {'global': {'verbose': '0'},
>                    'py2exe': {'optimize': 2,
>                               'dist_dir': 'dispatcher',
>                               'excludes': ['perfmon'],
>                               'dll_excludes': [],
>                               'packages': ['twisted.application',
>                                            'twisted.python',
>                                            'twisted.web',
>                                            'elementtree',
>                                            'pyExcelerator',
>                                           ],
>                               'includes': ['datetime',
>                                            'pythoncom',
>                                            'cElementTree',
>                                            'cx_Oracle',
>                                            'twisted.mail.smtp',
>                                            'utils.batch',
>                                            'win32com.taskscheduler.taskscheduler',
>                                            ],
>                               }
>                   },
>         )

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