[python-win32] Runnin Python app as service with separateconsole

Michael Li mli at deform.com
Wed Apr 12 01:30:38 CEST 2006

Hi, Mark

Thank you very much.

See my answers below.

Mark Hammond wrote:

 >> "install_3d_app_service.cpp" is a program to install
 >> sftc3win.exe(sftc_3d_app_service.cpp)
 >> into a Windows' service. Inside sftc_3d_app_service.cpp, it will spawn
 >> "python".
 >> After reboot the machine, no problem, everything works fine, please see
 >> attached
 >> picture python_running.JPG. The problem is that after I log off, the
 >> "python" has gone.
 > I'm afraid you don't mention what this spawned Python is supposed to do.

The spawned Python(using Twisted framework) runs 24X7 and
when receives a request and spawn another command to run.
I can my python scripts from DOS window, something like:
C:\python23\python.exe my_server.py -3 --pid=pid.file --slog=log.file 

 > Regardless though, it appears that exe is terminating, probably due to an
 > exception.  You need to arrange to see the output of this process to see
 > what went wrong.

The python.exe is terminated only after log off any account.
How do I debug/see the output of this process ?

 > If it is your .cpp implemented service that vanishes, then I've no 
idea what
 > it could be.

sftc3win.exe(sftc_3d_app_service.cpp) will spawn
"C:\python23\python.exe my_server.py -3 --pid=pid.file --slog=log.file 

sftc3win.exe never vanishes. only python.exe vanished after log in/off 
any account.

 From attached picture python_running.JPG,
you can see python.exe and sftc3win.exe are running as "SYSTEM".

 >> Even if I log in as a non-administrative account, I log off, then the
 >> "python" has gone,
 >> even I am in the session of non-administrative account, I can not
 >> terminate(End Process)
 >> the "python" process. I am totally confused by this.
 > It is normal (but frustrating) you can't kill it as the service is 
 > as LocalSystem.  You may have more luck setting it to run as your user.

No, I do not want to kill the process. I want to prove that
in the session of non-administrative account, you can not kill it,
then how could "log off" kill it ?

 > I'm a little confused though, as you seem to say the problem is that the
 > python process has gone - but here you are failing to kill it.
 >> I also can use Windows' Scheduled Tasks to add a task as "At System
 >> startup", I can run
 >> it as a service, but after I log in/log off any account, the "python"
 >> service has gone.
 > The service (implemented in .cpp) has gone, or the child python 

The service (implemented in .cpp) stays there always, only child
python executable has gone.

 > Same answer as above though...
 > Mark

 From attached project file(VC6), you can build ins3apse.exe/sftc3win.exe,
this ins3apse.exe will install sftc3win.exe as a service,
when a computer reboots, it will start the python.exe,
until now, everything works fine. when I log in any account,
no problem, everything works fine. Only after I log off any account,
"python.exe" has gone.

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