[python-win32] BSTR
Reiner M. Stoss
rstoss at hrz1.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de
Sat Apr 15 12:34:20 CEST 2006
> So everything seems okay, right? Still the question is
> why "The variant argument that was supposed to contain the
> filename was VT_ERROR".
I want to share a reply from the developer of MaxIm DL.
He installed Python2.4.3 and PythonWin build 208,
just to be able to reproduce this error and it looks to me
as if the bug could be inside PythonWin.
I hadn't scrolled down far enough! Sure enough, the entries for MaxIm DL's
object, interfaces, and events are there after all, and the methods and
properties look much as I'd expect. It even knows the Dispatch IDs
correctly: SaveImage is #39. Of course that had to be true, since it was
getting into the right place inside MaxIm DL. It's just not sending the
argument string, and I'm no closer to figuring out why.
I tried building Python and pywin32 from source, hoping I could debug the
client side. I think I was successful for python.exe, but not for the Win32
extensions. The problem is I only have VC6 and they're supposed to be
compiled with VC7. Python itself provided old, unsupported .dsp (project)
files for VC6 and my result seems to run OK. But I could only create
win32com by hacking pieces individually, and I haven't been able to install
them so that my debug Python recognizes them. I'm probably missing vital
.pyc, .pyo, or other files that are automatically generated by "setup.py
install"-- which I can't get to run. Well, it was worth a try.
I expect Mark Hammond is far too busy to investigate, but if he shows any
interest at all, tell him he can download a 30-day trial of MaxIm DL from
http://www.cyanogen.com/downloads/maxim_main.htm. He'll need to know to
select the Simulator camera from MaxIm CCD's Setup page once before trying
any scripting.
FWIW, it works from vbscript and it works from Perl
and folks provided me code in these languages and
I was able to run it.
I'd prefer however to see it work from Python :-)
Dim cam
Set cam = CreateObject("MaxIm.CCDCamera")
cam.LinkEnabled = True
if Not cam.LinkEnabled Then
wscript.echo "Failed to start camera."
End If
wscript.echo "Camera is ready, Exposing."
cam.Expose 1, 1, 0
Do While Not cam.ImageReady
cam.SaveImage "S:\Reiner\MaxIm\1.fit"
wscript.echo "Exposure is done, Image saved as 1.fit"
$Cam = $WScript->CreateObject('MaxIm.CCDCamera');
$Cam->{LinkEnabled} = 1;
die 'Failed to start camera' unless $Cam->{LinkEnabled};
print "Exposure[sec]: ";
$exp = <>;
die "Need a number!" unless $exp =~ /^\s*\d+(\.\d*)?\s*$/;
$Cam->Expose( $exp, 1, 0 );
$WScript->sleep( 50 ) until $Cam->ImageReady;
print "Done\n";
$WScript->sleep( 3000 );
$Cam->SaveImage( 'C:/1.fit' );
The Python code and the raised error due to the VT_ERROR
is in my previous message. As are the links to the screenshots
from PythonWin's COM Browser.
If this place is not the right one to report possible
bugs in PythonWin, please point me to the proper one ;-)
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