[python-win32] MS Exchange address book access within Python

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Thu Apr 20 17:56:17 CEST 2006

[Anderson, Allan]

| Hi, folks. I'm working with the gnatsparse.py script included with
| Bugzilla to import my company's old GNATS bug database. As this script
| appears to have been written specifically for the migration of the GCC
| project, and also as it was written for an older version of Bugzilla,
| I'm having to make some modifications.
| ... it would be very convenient and result in very correct
| data if I simply looked up the addresses and names in our Exchange
| address book. I know nothing about how that might work, however. 
| Is there a python module that wraps up this sort of handy 
| functionality?

I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're after (or
even roughly what you're after) but I hope it's a starting

import codecs
import tempfile

import win32api
import win32com.client
constants = win32com.client.constants

session = win32com.client.Dispatch ("MAPI.Session")
session.Logon ()

filename = tempfile.mktemp (suffix=".csv")
print "Writing to", filename
f = codecs.open (filename, "w", "latin-1")
  address_lists = session.AddressLists
  gal = address_lists.Item ("Global Address List")
  addresses = gal.AddressEntries
  for i in range (addresses.Count):
    entry = addresses.Item (i + 1)
    if entry.DisplayType == constants.CdoUser:
      name = entry.Name
      smtp = entry.Fields[0x39FE001E]
      f.write ('"%s","%s"\n' % (name, smtp))
      ## print name
  f.close ()

session.Logoff ()



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