[python-win32] Getting the text of the first slide of a PowerPointfile

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Fri Apr 28 10:17:16 CEST 2006

[Daniel Greenfeld]

| On to part 2 of my project.  I need to be able to get the text of the
| first slide out of a lot of Powerpoint files.  If anyone can give me
| some handy hints, that would be appreciated.

Daniel, I started to look at this with an eye to helping
you out, but since I don't usually use PowerPoint it was
taking more time than I had available. So as not to waste
my time in looking or yours in reading... if you're still 
having problems, could you give some indication of whether 
you're stuck at the first hurdle: how do I get anything out 
of PowerPoint by any means? Or whether you've gone so far 
but some particular aspect of the Model or API is proving


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