[python-win32] win32ui.CreateFileDialog error

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-p32 at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Aug 10 06:48:44 CEST 2006

At Wednesday 9/8/2006 17:41, Tim Roberts wrote:

> > Can anyone explain to me why the following code will return a list if
> > I select 12 files but will return None if I select 13?
>It's an ugly but well-known limitation: the buffer passed to
>CreateFileDialog is big, but not big enough.  When you select more files
>than will fit, the API returns an error, and the wrapper returns that
>error instead of reallocating and retrying.

But how can one detect that?
DoModal() returns 2 (IDCANCEL) in this case, how can be distinguished 
from the user pressing the Cancel button?

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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