[python-win32] Implementing custom com interface, passing it to another com object for callbacks
johnny loops
johnnyloops at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 23:06:29 CET 2006
Thanks, these references are really helpful, and I think I understand
a lot more of the path using comtypes. Continuing with my pseudo code
example-- this is what I think I should do:
-run GetModule() on the library, which should create the interface foo
-Create a class implementing foo
-Create object implementing interface foo
-Pass the object to the other com function that will fire callbacks to it
comtypes.client.GetModule('CLSID that contains foo')
class myComObjClass(COMObject):
_com_interfaces_ = [foo]
def foo_OnFunc1(self, this, variable1):
do some stuff on callback
def foo_OnFunc2(self, this, variable2):
do some other stuff
otherDispatchedComObject.FunctionThatNeedsInterface(o, otherInputs)
What I'm not sure about is the step that creates the object. Before,
when I tried using win32com, I thought I had to wrap a server to pass
it-- this didn't work, so I could have been off the mark here. Does
this look right? Is it really this easy?
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