[python-win32] Problem passing a VARIANT argument to a method of aCOM object

Sumeet Sobti sumeet_sobti at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 7 01:39:57 CET 2006

I tried the "late-bound" mode (by deleting all the
generated files in the gen_py directory).

It still gives me the same TypeError.

>>> obj.AddTest('IsBuy', True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "<COMObject XTAPI.TTOrderSelector>", line 2, in
TypeError: The VARIANT type is unknown (0000001e)


(PS: Being new to the mailing-list, I am not sure if
it's proper to cc the list on follow-up questions and
discussion like this. Let me know if it isn't.)

--- Mark Hammond <mhammond at skippinet.com.au> wrote:

> > Does the error above show with some certainty that
> > it's a problem with the COM object?
> Sadly it doesn't demonstrate much with any
> certainty!

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