[python-win32] Explicit variant types for Invoke & InvokeTypes (WasRe: Autocad.*)

Dan Glassman dan.glassman at charter.net
Fri Feb 10 01:16:44 CET 2006

Dan Glassman wrote:
> I don't want to post such long code, so I'm hosting it.  If the links 
> don't work for any interested party, please just email me and I'll get 
> you a copy.  I'm quite enjoying this learning experience and am open to 
> all suggestions.
> Test file:
> http://www.originalrog.org/testvb_variantclass.py
Updated the test file; wanted to be sure that my use of the variant 
class' Value property to check "return" values wasn't skewing the results:


Still passed, so it's apparent that _getValue(), which is the Value 
properties' getter, is working just as it should.

Also realized that the SAFEARRAY support in oleargs.cpp uses 
PyCom_VariantFromPyObject, so the variant class can get used when the 
TYPEDESC calls for those, too.  I applied the Variant class to those 
portions of the test; still passes with no changes required.


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