[python-win32] Trouble Automating Alibre CAD package

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu Jul 13 01:45:23 CEST 2006

Thomas wrote:
> I'm not sure pywin32 can handle such a buggy object,
> but you could probably try to run makepy on the typelib and then
> create the object.

What might work here is to pass a secret second arg to QueryInterface.  This
second arg can be the IID of the object returned from the call.  So
something like:

  ob = ob.QueryInterface(IID_IAutomationHook, pythoncom.IID_IDispatch)

should theretically perform the QI for IAutomationHook, but return the
resulting object in a PyIDispatch wrapper.

What happens after that is anyone's guess though ;)


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