[python-win32] win32net

querdenker querdenker at mtsi.de
Fri Sep 8 00:29:04 CEST 2006

Wolf, Matthias ALRT/ELD wrote:
> Hallo,
> I try to print every member of a windows doamin-group, the username as 
> well as the group
> name. But I just receive the usernames and no groupnames, where is my 
> fault?
> Here is a small codesnip from a large script of attemps.
> codesnip: 
> ###################################################################
> import win32net
> dict = win32net.NetGroupGetUsers(r/'\\domain.com'/,/ 'GROUP'/, 1)
> for line in dict[0]:
>     print line
> ############################################################################ 
> Thanks a lot of any hint, Matthias
If you can hold your feets until tomorrow (CEST) i'll post an example 
when i am back at work.
I have just finished a script which does exactly that part in addition 
to some more things


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