[python-win32] C# Vs Python

Trent Nelson tnelson at onresolve.com
Wed Apr 4 10:31:51 CEST 2007

> Where CPython beats IronPython is cross-platform capabilities.

IronPython can use standard CPython modules though, right?  I've dropped
my ipy.exe in C:\Python25 and it doesn't seem to have a problem with
things like os.path, which isn't available in IP (unless I'm doing
something brain dead).

> On the other hand, Windows Forms (.NET) is better than any GUI toolkit
> I've seen.

Out of interest, have you ever used Qt/PyQt?  Qt blew MFC-style apps out
of the water in terms of developer friendliness a few years ago (which
is when I switched to it for all our C++ development, which is why I'm
somewhat biased).  I'd be interested to hear from others in a similar
situation that can provide a comparison between Qt/PyQt and Windows
Forms .NET.


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