[python-win32] How to make a standalone MFC script?

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz ghankiewicz at rastertech.es
Fri Apr 13 12:41:10 CEST 2007

Mark Hammond wrote:
> It would be very difficult to try and host a web browser control in a
> non-GUI application.  You really are limited to hosting it in either
> pythonwin or wxWindows.  You should be able to get both of those
> environments working with py2exe, but it might not qualify as a "standalone
> script" for you.

It would, I didn't explain myself properly, sorry. When I double click 
the createwin.py example it opens a dialog with a control and just 
works. When I double click the webbrowser.py it asks me to be run from 
inside Pythonwin. I should have asked my question this way: How do I mix 
createwin.py and webbrowser.py to have them run without opening 
pythonwin separately and later creating a binary with py2exe?

Much longer, though.

The reason why I wanted to do this is because I want to embed a the 
crystal reports activex component in a wxpython application, but my 
first tries didn't work. OTOH modifying webbrowser.py was easy and 
worked, but only inside pythonwin.

By now I've managed to successfully run the activex component inside 
wxpython, so I won't need help with the createwin+webbrowser question, 
though I'm still interested on the technical reasons why one works and 
the other doesn't (I'm a total newbie to win32 programing).


The example code posted in the above URL doesn't use wxPython's activex 
module because it doesn't allow me to specify the version of the activex 
control along with the clsid string, unlike gencache's EnsureModule().

I wonder what trickery does win32com to locate the correct version of 
the clsid, which wxpython is unable to do.

     Rastertech España S.A.
	Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
/Jefe de Producto TeraVial/

C/ Perfumería 21. Nave I. Polígono industrial La Mina
28770 Colmenar Viejo. Madrid (España)
Tel. +34 918 467 390 (Ext.18) 	  *·*   	Fax +34 918 457 889
ghankiewicz at rastertech.es 	  *·*   	www.rastertech.es

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