[python-win32] How to use IExtractImage in python

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Apr 20 02:50:16 CEST 2007

> I have been delving in to the process of adding support for IExtractImage
> pythonwin. I have run makegw on the necessary files, added the resulting
> and .h files to com/win32comext/shell/src, added references in shell.cpp
> setup.py, and now it seems all that is left to do is implement the proper
> data types which makegw did not know how to handle. (Also, if it would
> help anyone, I patched my makegw to run under Python 2.5 with no regex
> or regsub modules.)

Excellent - please feel free to send me the patches.  makegw is *very* dumb

> I have a few questions about the next steps, for those who may have done
this before:

> I am left with a few lines of code in the PyIExtractImage.cpp file that
look like this:

> if (bPythonIsHappy && !PyObject_AsDWORD *( obpdwPriority, &pdwPriority ))
bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;

See above - makepy is dumb :)  For now, PyInt_AsLong should work fine for a
DWORD.  HBITMAP should just use PyLong_FromVoidPtr (or however that is
spelt), and a SIZE already has PyWinObject_FromSIZE.  You will just need to
correct the invalid indirections created by makegw - eg, your line above
would read as:

> DWORD dwPriority;
> if (bPythonIsHappy && !PyInt_AsLong( obpdwPriority, (long *)&dwPriority ))
bPythonIsHappy = FALSE;

Also, please see the existing support for IExtractIcon - this new interface
should be almost identical - just one or 2 data types appear to be different
between the interfaces (HICON -> HBITMAP being the most obvious one)



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