[python-win32] Python hangs on exit after failed IIS GetObject call

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Wed Jan 3 00:56:27 CET 2007

> I'm seeing Python hang on exit after a failed IIS GetObject() call,
> similar to what is described at
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-win32/2005-October/003819.html.
> For instance, the code

> import win32com.client
> import pywintypes
> try:
>     testobj=win32com.client.GetObject("IIS://localhost/doesnotexist")
> except pywintypes.com_error:
>     print "Could not find directory"

I'm afraid that code works OK for me - it causes a COM exception
(-2147024893, 'The system cannot find the path specified.', None, None), but
terminates cleanly.  If that exact snippet hangs for you and you are unable
to upgrade, then I'm afraid I can't help.  If that snippet is part of a
larger program that fails, I suspect the problem will be that not all COM
objects have been cleaned up - but that is pure speculation.


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