[python-win32] PyWin32 - PostMessage return value
evadream at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 11:56:01 CET 2007
> At Saturday 20/1/2007 21:35, jbd wrote:
> Check also whether WaitForInputIdle returns 0, and not WAIT_TIMEOUT
> (meaning that the process is not ready yet)
That's why i'm doing. Moreover, i'm using INFINITE as a timeout.
ret = win32event.WaitForInputIdle(handle, win32event.INFINITE)
if ret != 0:
raise SystemExit("Problem during process wait")
> But since you're already using messages, maybe the easiest way is
> making the target application broadcast a message telling "I'm ready
> now", and when the caller sees it, it knows it can post the message.
> Use RegisterWindowMessage on both applications, with the same name,
> to obtain a unique message identifier.
> Use HWND_BROADCAST as the first argument to PostMessage to broadcast
> it to all top level windows.
Ok. Thanks for the tip. The fact is really don't know when the target
application is really ready. I'll have to spy it on Monday =)
Is there way to detect that a entry in a menu is not activated ?
> Yes, it appears that you cannot retrieve the return value of
> PostMessage. Anyway it won't tell you much. The caller can communicate
> its own window handle to the target application, using the wParam or
> lParam arguments when it sends some message. This way, the target
> application can reply to the caller when he has completed processing the
> operation (either ok or with an error).
Ok, i'm gonna look into it !
Thanks a lot for having taking time to respond.
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