[python-win32] High Baud Rate Serial Port Question

Larry Bates larry.bates at websafe.com
Sat Jul 21 23:26:06 CEST 2007

Jeff Taylor wrote:
> I know this has probably been brought up many years ago, but I'm rather 
> new to Python.
> Is there a way to open a serial port with a baudrate greater than 
> 115.2kbps? I'm currently using pyserial and it can handle over 115.2, 
> but when it calls win32file, win32file gives back a bad parameter error 
> for higher baudrates (like 230400 or 460800 bps).
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Jeff
Normally baud rates higher than that take "special" hardware.  Normal UARTs
don't typically run that high.  You also have a problem with interference on
serial cables at those frequencies so people move to RS-422 or some other


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