[python-win32] Wiki

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Wed Mar 7 09:38:25 CET 2007

James Matthews wrote:
> Mark I added a section for editing pages! (the mark-up) and to create pages
> all you need to do it search for the title and click create the page! Tim i
> am working on the OpenID ext. It seems it doesn't support the version of
> mediawiki that we have but i am working on it!
> P.S Tomorrow i am making a major site overhaul AKA adding new
> categories,Writing Wiki help docs etc... ( i am doing this off-peak hours
> ).. So if the site goes down a little don't worry i will have it up and
> running by Friday morning!
> If anyone has any suggestions,complaints,tips and/or would like to help
> administer the wiki please email me!


I'm happy to help insofar as other commitments allow. Certainly there's
no rush from my point of view; it's good of you to get this started, so
take as long as you need to get things going, and feel free to request
help -- on the list, even -- to see if anyone can offer.

The OpenID thing is not a must, but it does seem to be the way to go
these days!

I'll wait for updates from you before going anywhere with it for


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