[python-win32] Network Bindings

Matt Herbert matherbe at cisco.com
Fri Sep 28 22:01:46 CEST 2007

Tim Golden wrote:
> OK, I'm not entirely sure what "bindings on a network adapter are".

Network Bindings are simply a list of Clients, Protocols, and Services 
that can be bound to particular adapters in particular orders. This is 
most easily visualized by brining up your Network Connections control 
panel (Start->run->ncpa.cpl). If you right click on any network adapter, 
and select properties, you will see a list of items that have check 
boxes next to them. Each item in that list is bound to that network 
adapter. Un-checking the box, unbinds that item (be it a service, 
protocol, or client). I am trying to find a way to check, and un-check 
those boxes programatically.

> If you can find a WMI-based solution then I'm quite happy to help
> translating it from VBS or whatever into Python. But I'm not sure
> that there is one.

I wish I could go this route, it would be much easier :). My searches 
haven't revealed any way to do it with WMI either.


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