[python-win32] Finding the selected file in Windows Explorer
Larry Bates
larry.bates at websafe.com
Tue Apr 22 16:02:52 CEST 2008
Daniel Gonçalves wrote:
> Hi!
> I need to find the selected file(s) in a Windows Explorer window from
> another program (I'd look at the window that last had focus). I found
> something in the following page that should do the trick:
> http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2004/07/20/188696.aspx
> However, it is not Python and, while I'm a competent Python
> programmer, Win32, COM and the like are somewhat outside my
> competences.
> Does any one know how to do something similar in Python (maybe in a more
> Pythonic way?)
> Tks!
> Daniel Gonçalves
What do you mean by "find the selected files". Give us a little more
detail about your use case and we can help.
One way of knowing about files that are selected is this:
If you selected several files and drag and drop them on a python program the
files that are selected will be passed into the program in sys.argv. I don't
know if that is what you are looking for or not.
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