[python-win32] Creating python com objects

Roger Upole rwupole at msn.com
Fri Apr 25 12:14:57 CEST 2008

Alex Denham wrote:
> I've had a look at the example and i can't quite pick out what's being
> done differently other than pythoncom.WrapObject() is being called within
> a class and it's being called on the > class it's in?
> Or is it something to do with the arguments passed to wrap object?
> Thanks for the help.
> Alex

The class has to explicitely inherit from a policy class
(win32com.server.policy.DesignatedWrapPolicy), and
it has to have an __init__ method that calls _wrap_.
Also, an instance of the class is passed to WrapObject
rather than the class itself.

This is snipped from a working example:

class IDropTarget(win32com.server.policy.DesignatedWrapPolicy):

    def __init__(self):

    def DragEnter(self, DataObject, KeyState, pt, Effect):
        print "DragEnter"
        print DataObject, KeyState, pt, Effect
    def DragOver(self, KeyState, pt, Effect):
        print "DragOver"
        print KeyState, pt, Effect
    def DragLeave(self):
        print "DragLeave"
    def Drop(self, DataObject, KeyState, pt, Effect):
        print "Drop"
        print DataObject, KeyState, pt, Effect

IDT=pythoncom.WrapObject(dt, pythoncom.IID_IDropTarget, 

pythoncom.RegisterDragDrop(hwnd, IDT)


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