[python-win32] How to find a Type Library for makepy?

brendon wolff-piggott mytekmail at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 10:29:36 CEST 2008

Hi All

I'm trying to automate using an Office component for character recognition
using python.  I can see the type library from the VB Express IDE I
downloaded to get it working.  When I run makepy on it using:

import win32com.client.makepy
win32com.client.makepy.ShowInfo("Microsoft Office Document Imaging Viewer
Control 12.0")

I get:
Could not locate a type library matching 'Microsoft Office Document Imaging
Viewer Control 12.0'

I know the DLL name, and have checked that it is registered.   But the
library name passed to makepy does not appear in the registry.  Do I need to
edit the registry to fix this?  Where should I look for documentation on

I looked at the makepy script, but was out of my depth very quickly!

 Brendon Wolff-Piggott
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