[python-win32] Bugfix version of adodbapi available

Vernon Cole vernondcole at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 20:43:12 CEST 2008

This is mostly a big "thank you" for Adam Vandenberg. (Anyone who knows him,
please buy him a beer!)
Adam submitted a bug report on sourceforge indicating that one should call
CoInitialize() BEFORE Dispatch(), not AFTER. I made the change on my
development machine, and could see no changes. Everything worked before and
still worked after.
  Meanwhile, I had a long running python script on another machine which
kept erroring out and crashing several hours into its operation. More
investigation and several re-runs later, I found that it was an
InterfaceError exception at adodbapi.connect() time, right where Adam said
the error was.
  I put the patched adodbapi on the production machine and *magic* -- the
error went away!
Score one for open source software. I would NEVER have found that bug.
The patched software is on CVS.
Also included is a bug fix from Bob Kline so that nextset() will work even
when one of the result sets is empty, and some cleanup of the unit tests
also suggested by Bob Kline. Thank you, Bob. I also removed all attempts to
test against an AS400 database. The SQL was too weird. I would have had to
modify every CREATE TABLE, SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT statement in the test
Of course, the fixed version of adodbapi will be included with the next
release of pywin32. I note that the download rate on
adodbapi.sourceforge.net has gone to zero for the last two months (with the
release of pywin32 v 211). Thank you Mark.
Vernon Cole
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