[python-win32] shell.SHChangeNotify failed to refresh icons

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Sat Feb 16 00:34:23 CET 2008

> I tried passing SHCNE_UPDATEDIR to the parent dir of the icons, but
> the icons were not refreshed. Win32traceutil also didn't record any
> overlay icons requests. Here's how it was done:
>     dir = os.path.dirname(path)
>     pidl, ignore = shell.SHILCreateFromPath(dir, 0)
>     print "notify: ", shell.SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl)
>     shell.SHChangeNotify(shellcon.SHCNE_UPDATEDIR,
>                          shellcon.SHCNF_IDLIST | shellcon.SHCNF_FLUSH,
>                          pidl,
>                          None)
> Any thing I did wrong?

Not that I can see - but you are relying on the behaviour of Explorer's SHChangeNotify handler, and I've no idea how that is implemented - but I wouldn't be surprised to find that an SHCNE_UPDATEDIR is *not* treated as a full refresh, even if that does leave the possibility that icons or other attributes will be slightly out of date - they will correct themselves after a refresh after all.

In other words, just because the shell may collapse many SHCNE_UPDATEITEM calls into a single SHCNE_UPDATEDIR notification, there is no requirement that notification handlers treat SHCNE_UPDATEDIR as performing a complete SHCNE_UPDATEITEM for every item in the directory.



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