[python-win32] Suggestions for a unicode build

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Thu Jan 3 23:19:25 CET 2008

Roger Upole wrote:
> Just supplying the Dll is not sufficient.  The .pyd would also have to be 
> linked against unicows.lib, which would mean creating a separate release for
> win98.

Not so, actually.  Microsoft was quite clever with this.  Unicows.lib
checks on its first invocation to see if it is needed.  If it isn't, it
rewrites the import table to unhook itself.  If it IS needed, it
dynamically loads unicows.dll and links it in.

> I'm not averse to leaving them in as long as everyone's okay with
> them still calling the ANSI functions.  However, this may still require
> extra work with Py3k where strings are all Unicode.

All of the profile functions have A and W variants.  Why are these
different from any other API?

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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