[python-win32] COM registration/unregistration and

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Mon Jan 21 12:15:47 CET 2008

> >> Could you capture the output by adding ">somelogfile" to the passed
> >> args ?
> >
> > It appears cmd.exe isn't used.  I probably could use COMSPEC as the
> > command,
> > but then I'd be likely to get 'cmd.exe' instead of 'python.exe'
> (which
> > would
> > be much worse) and I'm really not sure its worth it for the extra
> > complexity
> > - what do you (or anyone) think?
> That does sound more confusing.

For interest, I tried using cmd.exe instead of python.exe (but didn't try
redirection).  Ironically, the dialog that is thrown up is "friendlier" - it
says "windows needs your permission to continue" with a nice shield icon,
but using python.exe is a little scarier, with a yellow bar, no shield icon,
and saying "an unidentified program ...".  Still, the latter identifies
'python.exe' (as opposed to 'Windows Command Processor').  *sob* :)

> How about 'unattended' ?  That way any other places that might ask for
> user interaction would have a common switch.

nice!  I've used that - and noticed that specifying a hwnd centers the
dialog over the window, which is a good usability cue, so I've also added
support for a 'hwnd' flag defaulting to winxpgui.GetConsoleWindow()/0
(update cvs :)  Comments on the attached updated patch invited.
> I'm just about done with the changes for building win32api with
> but I don't think I'm going to commit them before the next release.

Actually I'd be inclined to go for it if you are fairly confident and put it
through some reasonable smoke tests.  I've previously said the next pywin32
build will be considered experimental/unstable, so I'd like to be
conservative about build 212 (in the aim of getting a new solid pywin32
release out less than 2 years before the last one <frown>)

It looks like I'll be at pycon 2008 too - I'd love to collect and/or buy
some beers for anyone who can make it ;)

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