[python-win32] Python ADO and Date Time Field in Access
Tim Golden
mail at timgolden.me.uk
Tue Jan 29 11:39:25 CET 2008
leegold wrote:
> ...snip...
> I was coming from the equivalent Perl code and now trying
> it in Python.
[... snip code examples ...]
Well, seeing you've gone to the trouble of posting the code...
even if you didn't provide a working database for those of
use without access to Access (pun entirely intended)....
I've put together a working test case to make sure we're
talking about the same thing.
This code creates a new Jet/.mdb databasem, creates a test
table with an INT id and a TIME dt field and populates it
with one row. I hope this is sufficient to simulate your
source data.
It then queries that table, looping over the (one) rows
it contains and printing out the values *and their repr*.
It can be cut-and-pasted directly into a Python console
session or you can save it as a file and run it.
import os, sys
from win32com.client.gencache import EnsureDispatch as Dispatch
DATABASE_FILEPATH = r"c:\temp\test.mdb"
CONNECTION_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; data Source=%s" %
if os.path.exists (DATABASE_FILEPATH):
adox = Dispatch ("ADOX.Catalog")
db = Dispatch ('ADODB.Connection')
db.Execute ('CREATE TABLE dtest (id INT, dt TIME)')
db.Execute ("INSERT INTO dtest (id, dt) VALUES (1, NOW ())")
(rs, n) = db.Execute ('SELECT id, dt FROM dtest')
while not rs.EOF:
for field in rs.Fields:
print field.Name, "=>", field.Value, repr (field.Value)
rs.MoveNext ()
db.Close ()
The results on my machine show that the TIME field is
returned as a PyTime value. Assuming the same is true
for you, you should be able to use this technique:
to produce a standard Python datetime value, from which
you can then format it as you like with .strftime.
If you *don't* get a PyTime value, then can you post the
output from your run and let's take it from there?
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