[python-win32] "Property '%s.%s' can not be set" on read/write attribute

Tim Johnson tojo2000 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 01:17:43 CET 2008

So I'm trying to automate some tasks with SMS, and I've run into a roadblock
when creating new collection membership rules.  The code below is a method
of a Collection object.  It's a rough draft, so don't worry too much about
the top half unless you think it might be screwing something up.  My problem
is that I go to create a new SMS_CollectionRuleDirect object (at the bottom
of the code provided) and I get the following error:

>>> coll.AddMembershipRule(rule)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "H:\p4rootw\lib\ops\sms.py", line 495, in AddMembershipRule
    rule_obj.RuleName = name
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\dynamic.py", line 550,
in __setattr__
    raise AttributeError, "Property '%s.%s' can not be set." %
(self._username_, attr)

If you look in the SMS 2003 SDK v3.1 or here (
you can see that the property is indeed Read/Write.  Is there any way to
override this or some workaround that I can use to fix this?  I'm about
ready to start hopping up and down in my office chair like an angry

# This is a method of an sms.Collection object.
# self.parent.wmi_connection is an object created via wmi.WMI() with the
#   namespace set to

#   and I can retrieve information fine, as well as add/edit Collection,
#   advertisement, and other objects just fine.
# self.parent.db_connection is an object created via odbc.odbc(), connected
to the SMS database

  def AddMembershipRule(self, rule):
    """Adds a membership rule using an sms.MemberShipRule object.

    Note: this method only supports adding System Resources through direct
          membership, not User or Group Resources.

      rule: an sms.CollectionMembershipRule object

      TypeError: if rule is not an sms.CollectionMembershipRule object
      SmsUnsupportedResourceType: if a direct membership rule for a
        resource type is passed

      True on Success
      None on Failure

    TODO: Remove object type limitation for direct membership rules
    if not isinstance(rule, CollectionMembershipRule):
      raise TypeError

    conn = self.parent.wmi_connection

    if rule.type == 'direct':
      if rule.resource_type != 5:
        raise SmsUnsupportedResourceType

      cursor = self.parent.db_connection.cursor()
      cursor.execute('SELECT Netbios_Name0, Name0 from v_R_System '
                     'WHERE ResourceID = %s' % rule.resource_id)
      names = cursor.fetchall()
      name = None

      if names[0]:
        name = names[0]
        name = names[1]

      # This is the problem section
      rule_obj = conn.Get('SMS_CollectionRuleDirect').SpawnInstance_()
      rule_obj.ResourceClassName = 'SMS_R_System'
      rule_obj.RuleName = name
      rule_obj.ResourceID = rule.resource_id
      coll_obj = conn.Get('SMS_Collection.CollectionID="%s"'
                          % self.collection_id)

Ceci n'est pas un email.
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