[python-win32] pythoncom warning: PyVARDESC

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Jun 3 03:04:51 CEST 2008

> Since release 211, I have dozens & dozens messages, like this:
> pythoncom warning: PyVARDESC ctor has unknown varkind (3) - returning
> None
> pythoncom warning: PyVARDESC ctor has unknown varkind (3) - returning
> None
> pythoncom warning: PyVARDESC ctor has unknown varkind (3) - returning
> None
> pythoncom warning: PyVARDESC ctor has unknown varkind (3) - returning
> None
> No problem when I run my scripts. But, I don't understand the message
> (the
> worst: it is not even in French!).
> If somebody has an explanation (easy to understand), thanks in advance.

It happens as part of the makepy generation process, apparently when
processing the "default" value for params.  In b210 and earlier, when
pythoncom saw a VARDESC it didn't understand, it silently returned None, but
in b211, as you see, it generates a warning as it implies there is something
pywin32 needs to fix (the *bad* think about such warnings is that there is
nothing the person seeing the warning can do to resolve it other than ask
about it, as you have done)
It appears we are hitting a VARKIND of VAR_DISPATCH.  Does it happen for you
on any typelibs I'm likely to have installed?  Any idea what in your
typelibs could cause this, so I can repro it in the test suite?



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