[python-win32] Service does not start at windows boot but at user's login

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Thu Jun 5 12:42:02 CEST 2008

spoirot wrote:
> But the big problem is that my service has to alter some registry keys 
> in HKLM hive, and these changes have to be done after any user login : 
> indeed,
> I would like to set these keys at windows boot in order that when anyone 
> logs in, the changes take effect. If the changes are done at user's login,
> (which is the case because the service starts after the client) then 
> they will only be effective when the user reboots, so the user has to 
> reboot and
> it's not what I want : I want to put changes at windows boot so that 
> when a user logs in, changes are validated and he doesn't have to reboot.

Not really my area of expertise, but might it be possible to use
one of the RunOnce keys in your circumstances?



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