[python-win32] pywin32 build 211 released

le dahut le.dahut at laposte.net
Tue Jun 17 11:18:50 CEST 2008

I suppose that you use "runas" in order to get run in real administrator 

There are several ways to get an installer run automatically in real 
admin mode :

#1 : the name of the .exe must contain "setup" or "install" keyword. 
This make the UAC detect it as an installer and asks the user for a 
elevation confirmation.

#2 : the .exe must have a manifest that contains :
... (I use the "python.exe.manifest" in which I add the following)
<trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">

I've put the manifest directly in the .exe using py2exe and :
'other_resources': [(24, 1, mymanifest)],
"24" is where the manifest should be.

#3 Maybe someone could complete here ...?

Hope this helps.

Mark Hammond a écrit :
>> I encounter a problem when trying to install it. I get prompted by a
>> secure window (a window with some keys icons) asking me if I want to
>> run
>> it with my account with(out) security against virus or with another
>> account.
>> None of the 3 possibilities works for me. Any idea ?
> When you say none of the possibilities work, how exactly do they fail?
> I'm sure I could extend the OS check to only attempt elevation on XP with
> SP1, but it would be nice to have a better understanding of the failure
> before doing that (eg, while testing this, I found Win2k also seems to
> support the 'runas' ShellExecute API - but it behaves slightly differently,
> and IsUserAnAdmin() isn't available.  So if it (basically) works on Win2k,
> I'd be surprised it fails worse on XP without SP1.
> Cheers,
> Mark

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