[python-win32] pywin32 build 211 released

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Wed Jun 18 14:04:55 CEST 2008

> Mark Hammond escribió:
> > Hi all,
> >   I've finally released pywin32 build 211!
> Is there any attribute in some module I could check to make sure that
> the imported module corresponds to this build? I can't find some sort
> of
> "global" pywin32 module with this information.

Apart from the fact I screwed up the version number with build 211, there is
a pywin32.version.txt file in the site-packages directory (use distutils to
find that path).  Alternatively, use the win32api file version functions to
get the version numbers from any of the .dll/.pyd/.exe files.

FWIW, here is how Pythonwin's Help->About menu does it:

		# Get the build number - written by installers.
		# For distutils build, read pywin32.version.txt
		import distutils.sysconfig
		site_packages =
			build_no = open(os.path.join(site_packages,
			ver = "pywin32 build %s" % build_no
		except EnvironmentError:
			ver = None
		if ver is None:
			# See if we are Part of Active Python
			ver =
_GetRegistryValue("SOFTWARE\\ActiveState\\ActivePython", "CurrentVersion")
			if ver is not None:
				ver = "ActivePython build %s" % (ver,)
		if ver is None:
			ver = ""



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