[python-win32] comtypes question: getactiveobject(ie.__clsid) says 'operation unavailsble'

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Sat Jun 28 13:33:34 CEST 2008

Aaron Colichia wrote:
> New to the pywin32 user list
> I've read a couple of articles stating that IE doesn't register with the 
> ROT.  It was geared toward IE4, but I am not sure if I am running into 
> this or if I am not doing something right.  

In short, everything I've come across -- even quite recently --
regarding IE suggests that it still doesn't register itself
with the ROT. You either have to do the EnumWindow / FindWindow
dance and then send keystrokes etc., or pursue one of the
slightly esoteric solutions posted about which involve creating
COM objects to act as proxies for browser sessions. Never done it,
I'm afraid, but it doesn't look any less ugly than any other
COM-based solution I've seen.

Might be worth seeing if the developers behind PAMIE [1] have
already undergone this particular pain.


[1] http://pamie.sourceforge.net/

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