[python-win32] Request for comments - the spaces issue

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Sat May 24 10:28:19 CEST 2008

[bob gailer]
>> Please omit the space before ( in code. I find that very distracting. 
>> Example:
>> print result.Properties_ ("sValue").Value # current
>> print result.Properties_("sValue").Value # preferred, and how most 
>> code I've seen looks.

[Tim Roberts]
> Do you understand that this is strictly a personal preference?  Some 
> people like it, some people don't.  You are certainly allowed to 
> "prefer" one over the other, but it's a bit much to ask someone else to 
> change their coding style to match yours, unless you are a paying 
> client.  ;)

[Roger Dahlstrom]
> I'd add to that that I prefer the space, and I only use notepad++ for 
> coding.  Everything worked fine for me.

On balance I'm inclined to stick to my spaces-before style, not
least because I've been coding that way for well over 20 years
and it's not that easy to change, even if I felt well-disposed.
(Which I don't :) )

Apologies to Bob & anyone else who finds this style irksome. As
you might imagine, I find the opposite style cluttered and hard
to read. Likewise I imagine there are many who find my two-spaces
indent style cluttered while I find even four and certainly any
more to be grotesquely elongated.


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