[python-win32] building pywin32 on Server 2003 x64

Marc-André Belzile mbelzile at softimage.com
Sat May 31 05:02:59 CEST 2008

Meanwhile, if you're still up to the challenge, here are the steps I used for building pywin32 for vista 64:
1) svn co http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk python 
2) compile python 2.6 for x64 from VS2008 IDE or Windows SDK
3) open x64 command-prompt 
4) log as anonymous to pywin32 server: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at pywin32.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pywin32 login 
5) download latest pywin32 source: cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous at pywin32.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pywin32 co -P pywin32 
6) c:\dev\pywin32>\build ..\python2.6\python\PCbuild\python.exe setup.py build --plat-name=win-amd64 
7) c:\dev\pywin32>\build ..\python2.6\python\PCbuild\python.exe setup.py bdist_wininst --skip-build 

The pywin32 install package should be generated here c:\dev\pywin32>\build\dist\pywin32-210.9.win32.exe
Hope that helps


From: python-win32-bounces at python.org [mailto:python-win32-bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of Mark Hammond
Sent: May-30-08 6:38 PM
To: 'Hanni Ali'; python-win32 at python.org
Subject: Re: [python-win32] building pywin32 on Server 2003 x64

	pywin32 builds on a 64bit environment, but you need the SVN trunk of Python, the CVS trunk of pywin32, and VS2008.  VS2005 support isn't *that* interesting to me as there are no Python binaries available built with that compiler and I can't get VS.NET to build with the most recent Vista SDK, which is needed for recent pywin32 functionality.  A Python 2.6 amd64 build will be included in the next release.






	From: python-win32-bounces at python.org [mailto:python-win32-bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of Hanni Ali
	Sent: Friday, 30 May 2008 11:00 PM
	To: python-win32 at python.org
	Subject: [python-win32] building pywin32 on Server 2003 x64


	Hi All,


	I am attempting to build pywin32 for a 64 bit deployment.


	It is necessary for us to use 64 bit python due to objects within our application exceeding 2GB in size.


	I am attempting to do so using msvc 2005 which I know is not ideal, but I have managed to build the other dependencies (Python, numpy), my attention is now on pywin32.


	Firstly although I have managed to get it compiling, I was not able to use the instruction:


	setup.py build --plat-name=win-amd64


	The setup script reported plat-name as not existing.


	Secondly is anyone building pywin32 on 64 bit machines?


	Although I seem to have hacked it suficiently to get it to compile linking fails with errors of this manner:


	MSVCRT.lib(gs_support.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_Get
	CurrentThreadId referenced in function __security_init_cookie


	I appreciate any help anyone can give.





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