[python-win32] problem getting printer status in Windows
Alec Bennett
whatyoulookin at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 21 00:04:14 CEST 2009
I'm having trouble getting the printer status in Windows. Ideally I'd like to get the info contained in the "Status" column when you open a printer from the Windows control panel --> printers.
I've been using the routine pasted at the end of this email, which works for some printers, but not others. All I really need is the info in that window that opens when you click a printer in Windows control panel --> printers, under status. Does anyone know how to get this?
Here's the win32print routine I'm using.
import win32print
printer_name = "Sony UP-DR150"
s = win32print.OpenPrinter(printer_name)
# List the printer's jobs (in range 0 to 999):
raw = win32print.EnumJobs(s, 0, 999)
# If there are any jobs, lets analyze them:
if len(raw) > 0:
results = raw[0]
print results
{'Status': 1, 'pPrinterName': 'Sony UP-DR150', 'pDocument': 'C:\\photoboof\\strips\\104375.jpg', 'Submitted': <PyTime:4/20/2009 2:32:57 PM>, 'JobId': 31, 'Priority': 1, 'pUserName': 'Administrator', 'pStatus': None, 'PagesPrinted': 0, 'Position': 1, 'TotalPages': 0, 'pDatatype': 'RAW', 'pMachineName': '\\\\ASDF'}
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