[python-win32] MSHTML wrapper class and example using IWebBrowser2

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Mon Aug 3 17:50:49 CEST 2009

On 8/3/09, Gerdus van Zyl <gerdusvanzyl at gmail.com> wrote:
> very nice! I was looking at pyjd a while back but didn't like the gtk
>  dependency.

 that's why i based mshtml.py on the Win32 GDI not gtk.

> Any posibility on porting hulahop to windows?

 it's tricky as hell - it's a _whopping_ great build.  you start with
python, then you build xulrunner/win32 making sure that you enable
both xpcom and python-xpcom subcomponent, _then_ you can build
hulahop, theeeen you can use pyjd w/hulahop-win32.

 oh - and don't forget to get that proprietary compiler, to build it
all, unless you want to try (like i did) building python with mingw32
(which actually worked, but the python-dev team didn't understand why
it would be needed, and deemed it a waste of time, so i stopped)...

 not even the sugarlabs team have tackled this one.  last time i
looked, there _was_ a vague reference somewhere on a novell web site
which had the xulrunner-xpcom build, but i don't know if it included
python-xpcom as well.

 .... to be absolutely honest, building webkit patched with #16401
isn't much better, either: you _still_ have to have libpython2.N.dll.a
(or python2N.lib if you use the proprietary compiler).

so to cut a long story short, this is the whole reason why i'm doing
the MSHTML build.  at least you only need win32con, ctypes and a few
other small standard python libraries, and you're away.  with exactly
the same API (that's the plan, anyway.  wish me luck...)


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