[python-win32] determining information about a window

Eric Blade blade.eric at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 17:25:21 CEST 2009

It's mostly like the 3rd scenario there - although i don't need to
output into the process, i just need to be able to differentiate
between two different windows that have identical names, so that i can
choose which window to have the user interact with from python.

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Dave Angel<davea at ieee.org> wrote:
> Eric Blade wrote:
>> This is kind of a weird question - I have a process that has two
>> windows with the exact same name.  I need to figure out some way to
>> differentiate between the two windows - what functions are there
>> available that I can call to find out information about the two
>> windows, so that I might be able to figure out exactly which one it is
>> that my application needs to work with?  Sorry about the vagueness of
>> the question, but I just really don't have even the slightest idea
>> about how to find out what it is that i want to know...
> I doubt if I can give you an answer, but I might be able to narrow down the
> question so that either you or someone else on the list might be able to
> solve it.
> There are at least three scenarios you could be describing.
> 1) You're writing a program (using tkinter, or wxPython, or ...  gui tools),
> and you've created two windows that need the same name.  And from the same
> program you want to manipulate widgets/controls within one of those windows.
> but can't just use the window name.  If this is the case, there are lots of
> answers, but they're all dependent on the particular GUI you're using.
> 2) You're running a 3rd party application that uses the same name for more
> than one window, and you (the person at the keyboard) want to be able to
> tell things about them.  In this case,  a program like SPY+ might just help.
> 3) You're running a 3rd party app as above, but you're writing a Python
> program that needs to interact with it, perhaps by injecting messages into
> its process.  In this case, you need to find some other property of each of
> the two windows that lets you distinguish them.  If so, you need to say so,
> and somebody (other than I) could help you find such information.
> DaveA

 - Eric

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