[python-win32] EOFError in gencache.py

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu Feb 12 03:44:44 CET 2009

> My app consists of 2 scripts. The first one is an infinite loop which
> calls periodically the second script. The first script does not work
> with COM. The second script makes one instance of COM, calls some its
> methods and ends. The first script waits until the second one finishes
> its job so only one instance of COM exists in one process at any time.
> I
> choose this scenario because COM, which is another party's product,
> includes small memory leak which prevents to run it 24x7.

In this scenario, we would expect the dicts.dat file to be written when the
script first runs and not updated until some new COM object is used or the
generated files are removed.  It would be interesting to know why that isn't
the case (maybe setting dicts.dat to readonly might help see when it



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