[python-win32] catching the "close" event

Pollack, Steven K steven.pollack at fda.hhs.gov
Thu Feb 12 19:59:01 CET 2009

I am trying to write a python based glue to orchestrate interaction
between Access, Excel and Outlook.  

I understand events reasonably well, can DispatchWithEvents an instance
of excel and catch worksheet and file save related events.  but can't
figure out if there is an event I can catch associated with the "close"
button (the little ole red x) that I can trap  and or cancel before the
application dies.  I want to force a file save first.

Also, it would be nice to know (for a newbie)  how to search the archive
to see if such a thing has already been asked.

Steven K. Pollack, Ph.D.
Director, Division of Chemistry and Materials Science
Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Food and Drug Administration
10903 New Hampshire Avenue, Building 64, Room 4028
Silver Spring, Maryland 20903-0002
(301)-796-2476 (V)
(301)-801-4228 (M)
(301)-796-9924 (F)

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