[python-win32] Problem in finding the attributes of file with name in non english characters.

venu madhav venutaurus539 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 14:54:36 CET 2009

Hi all,
         I am trying to find the attributes of afile whose name has
non english characters one like given below. When I try to run my
python scirpt, it fails giving out an error filename must be in string
or UNICODE. When i try to copy the name of the file as a strinig, it
(KOMODO IDE) is not allowing me to save the script saying that it
cannot convert some of the characters in the current encoding which is
Western European(CP-1252).

0010testUnicode_ėíîïðņōóôõöũøųúûüýþĸ !#$%&'()+,-.

           Hope some one could help me in this regard.

Thank you in advance,

Venu Madhav
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