[python-win32] How to calc amount of avail RAM in a process ?

geoff imageguy1206 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 19:32:11 CET 2009

> There's no easy fix.  Thumbnails and some kind of least-recently-used
> caching scheme are probably your best choices.  As Steven pointed out,
> you could always install a Win64 system and a 64-bit Python.  Then, you
> can get about 8TB of process space.  However, that's not particularly
> friendly to your end users, if you need to distribute this.

Not really and option as we do need to distribute and the users are
not at all 'power users'

> No.  The 2GB address space limit is per process.  It doesn't matter what
> other processes are doing.  You can even have several processes using
> 2GB of memory, although your disk will get a good workout.

Any tips/hints on calculating the potentially available space ?

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