[python-win32] How to calc amount of avail RAM in a process ?

geoff imageguy1206 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 02:58:36 CET 2009

> from ctypes import *
> from ctypes.wintypes import *
> class MEMORYSTATUSEX(Structure):
>    _fields_ = [
>        ('dwLength', DWORD),
>        ('dwMemoryLoad', DWORD),
>        ('ullTotalPhys', c_ulonglong),
>        ('ullAvailPhys', c_ulonglong),
>        ('ullTotalPageFile', c_ulonglong),
>        ('ullAvailPageFile', c_ulonglong),
>        ('ullTotalVirtual', c_ulonglong),
>        ('ullAvailVirtual', c_ulonglong),
>        ('ullExtendedVirtual', c_ulonglong),
>    ]
> def GlobalMemoryStatusEx():
>    x.dwLength = sizeof(x)
>    windll.kernel32.GlobalMemoryStatusEx(byref(x))
>    return x
> z = GlobalMemoryStatusEx()
> print z.ullAvailVirtual

There does appear to be this win32api.GlobalMemoryStatusEx().
In monitoring my system before and after the process crashed, it
yielded this result below
- it is supposed to be a table, but I think the HTML is mangling the formatting.

                 key:	                start	       crash         	(        diff)
       TotalPageFile:	  6256201728	  6256201728	(           0)
        AvailVirtual:	  2068193280	   346382336	( -1721810944)
          MemoryLoad:	          33    	          73         	(          40)
           TotalPhys:	  4284137472	  4284137472	(           0)
AvailExtendedVirtual:	           0    	           0    	(           0)
              Length:	          64	          64           	(           0)
        TotalVirtual:	  2147352576	  2147352576	(           0)
           AvailPhys:	  2849738752	  1146531840	( -1703206912)
       AvailPageFile:	  4721647616	  3014774784	( -1706872832)

If understand your guidance above, monitoring the 'AvailVirtual'
should allow be to intelligently guess when the user is approaching
the 'cliff' as the process is running.

And I would think that examining the AvailPhys should tell me before
the process starts if there might be a problem/issue with the system
doing some sort of memory swapping/caching to the pagefile ?

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