[python-win32] VIX (VMware API to control workstation) casting problem
Vinay Anantharaman
vinaya at adobe.com
Sat Jan 31 07:07:56 CET 2009
I am trying to cast from one object type to another type. Which is ISnapshot to IVixHandle.
My code:
#Dispach + connecting to lib and getting a handle to a VM
root = vmHandle.GetRootSnapshot(0)[1]
rootC = root.GetChild(0)[1]
ivixHandle = win32com.client.CastTo(rootC, 'IVixHandle')
name = ivixHandle.GetProperties([CONST.VIX_PROPERTY_SNAPSHOT_DISPLAYNAME], None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Z:\prototype.py", line 20
File "C:\Users\vinaya\AppData\Local\Temp\gen_py\2.4\7A474EE3-0062-4239-AE91-134AC9BD5FD3x0x1x0.py", line 1269, in GetProperties
, propertiesArray)
File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\__init__.py", line 446, in _ApplyTypes_
return self._get_good_object_(
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352571, 'Type mismatch.', None, 1)
The signature of the method is:
HRESULT GetProperties([in] VARIANT propertyIDs, [in,out] VARIANT* propertiesArray, [out,retval] ULONGLONG* error);
The documentation(http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vix-api/vix16_reference/lang/com/functions/GetProperties.html) says this:
This function does not apply in VBScript, since it is not possible to access the IVixHandle interface of an object.
Also, this is the way to code(using another handle which is castable to IVixHandle) in C#:
VixCOM.IVM vm;
UInt64 err;
// ...Open the virtual machine and get a handle...
int[] propertyIDs = new int[] {VixCOM.Constants.VIX_PROPERTY_VM_POWER_STATE, VixCOM.Constants.VIX_PROPERTY_VM_VMX_PATHNAME};
object properties = null;
err = ((VixCOM.IVixHandle)vm).GetProperties(propertyIDs, ref properties);
if (lib.ErrorIndicatesFailure(err)) {
// Handle the error...
int vmPowerState = ((object[])properties)[0]; // VixCOM.Constants.VIX_PROPERTY_VM_POWER_STATE
string vmPathName = ((object[])properties)[1]; // VixCOM.Constants.VIX_PROPERTY_VM_VMX_PATHNAME
Is there anyway I can get access to this functionality?
Vinay A.
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